Arrange NuNazorg

For a one-time fixed fee of €217.80 (including VAT), we ensure that the person you specify receives support in the NuNazorg way, either immediately or thoughtful preparations arranged during paliative care or for after your passing. You can find more information here

(Nu)Nazorg direct arrangement

You can pay the amount of €217.80 using one of the following options: 

Payment link: 

Click on the provided link and follow the steps to make a secure and immediate payment. 

QR code: Scan the QR code at the bottom of this page. 

Bank transfer: Transfer the amount to IBAN: NL92 BUNQ 2111 9326 55. 

Please include your name and reference with every payment or installment. 

After completing your payment, you will receive an invoice and confirmation by email. 

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