Loss of a loved one

You have had to say goodbye to someone dear to you, such as your partner, sibling, parent, or a child. In preparation for the funeral, you worked with the funeral director to arrange a suitable farewell. 

After the funeral

However the period after the funeral is challenging and early consideration of its effects can help ease bereavement. For the people in your life, the world keeps moving forward. However, after such a loss, that might not be the case for you. At that time—or perhaps much later—you may start to realise just how profound the loss truly is. During this time, there is often a lot to organise and take care of, even though your mind may not feel ready for it.

What can we offer?

Nunazorg offers bereavement counselling—a place where you can share everything that’s on your mind. We talk about grief, how people around you may react, and provide you with tips and guidance that will help navigate such an emotional period. If you feel the need, we will assist you in finding answers to any questions that you might have. 

We are independent and collaborate with organisations that place value in providing aftercare to bereaved individuals.  

We will call you

During this phone call, we give you the opportunity to share your story with us and we ask the following questions: 

How are you coping?  

Are you receiving enough support from those around you?  

Are you able to give us your thoughts over the period since your loss?  

Do you have any questions about managing any responsibilities you may have e.g. Probate, Family concerns, Legal issues?  

Is there anything we can do to help?  

If you prefer, we can pay you a visit in your own home for a conversation. This doesn’t have to be right away; it can also happen later. 

We are here to listen and, depending on your needs, we can agree on follow-up steps. We will seek answers to your questions and get back to you with possible solutions. From there, you can take the next steps yourself. We will stay in touch for as long as you find it helpful. 

From our experience, we know that many questions don’t arise immediately after a loss but often come up later. 

Of course, you’re always welcome to contact us directly. 

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